Summer Lovin’

You’ll have a whale (shark) of a time

During summer, snorkeling with the Whale Sharks is a must-do. Our Summer Lovin’ package gives you a great taste of our dives and a trip to snorkel with the whale sharks:

  • Two reef dives in Playa del Carmen
  • Two cavern dives in Dos Ojos
  • One day snorkeling with Whale Sharks



2 dives, Playa del Carmen
2 dives, Cozumel Direct
2 dives, Cenote caverns
1 day snorkeling with whale sharks
(includes short trip to the shallows of Isla Mujeres
Small group sizes


Available mid-May to mid-September
Packages can start any day.
Typically 4 consecutive days
(although you can pick your own schedule if you prefer)


Advanced Open Water certification
(Due to our standard dive depths in Cozumel)
If you are a group of 4 or more then we can keep you within Open Water limits in a separate group
We can provide official SDI training to take you safely up to 30m/100ft for just $20 (read more...)


Whale shark transportation
Cenote transportation and entry fees
Direct boat to Cozumel & marine park fees
Water & snack
+ lunch is provided on the cenote and whale shark trips
Tanks & weights
Free Nitrox
Dive light for the centoes


Full dive equipment rental: $18
Dive computer rental: $10
GoPro Rental: $50
(includes memory card for you to keep)
Nitrox tanks: $FREE
15L/100cuFt tanks: $5 per tank

Dive info

Depth: 12m-30m / 40ft-100ft
Ocean dives: 27-30°C / 80-87°F
Cenote dives: 24-25°C / 75-77°F
Dive times: typically 40 to 60min
We always try to give you the best experience and long dives whenever possible. Of course, we need to respect air consumption and no-decompression limits

Book now…

Start your booking by selecting the date you would like to dive

Let us know the name of each diver you would like to book for. Also, let us know any equipment rental each diver will require.
Diver Name
If you would like to add of remove divers to your booking please adjust the quantity next to the "Add to cart" button.
This is a multiple day dive package, so all of the extras such as equipment rental, GoPro rental and private guide fees reflect the total cost across your entire multiple-day package. If you don't want everything on every day then don't add it right now and just let us know via phone/email.
Although we are proud to work with small groups, if you would prefer to have a private guide then we can arrange this for you. You'll notice that generally the cost of the private guide decreases when you add buddies to dive alongside you in the private group.
Product total
Options total
Grand total
Pay a deposit of $100.00 per item

General information about the dives

We can provide you with SDI Deep training (+$20) to give you the skills and knowledge to dive to depths of up to 30m / 100ft while you dive with us in Cozumel.

Diver performing exercisesThe SDI Deep dive involves reading the Deep chapter of the SDI Advanced Adventure Diver manual and answering a series of questions in your own time prior to arriving (we will send you materials electronically). On the day of your dive the instructor will review your answers as part of an extended briefing.
Please note, according to SDI Training Standards, for you to be eligble for the deep training we need to conduct a prior assessment of your diving skills (this can take place during a dive or in the pool during a skills refresh).

The instructor will then accompany you on your dive and run through a some in-water exercises with you. The in-water exercises typically don't take long to complete and don't detract from your enjoyment of the dive.

Why do you do this?

Open Water divers are trained to a maximum depth of 18m / 60ft. We adhere to SDI, PADI and industry standard recommendations not to take divers deeper than their training limits. This gives you many benefits, including that travel/dive insurance companies will often only provide coverage for a "depth to which you are trained" and of course our approach will also keep you as safe as possible.

After the dive you will receive a certificate of completion to confirm your participation in the training. At the discretion of other dive centers, this certificate can be honored for future dives which require deep training and can also be used to count towards your full Advanced Advenutre Diver course when you choose to continue your learning.

The Deep training dive is one of the five dives you would do as part of the SDI Advanced Adventure Diver course and therefore you will need to complete the relevant SDI paperwork with us. As with all SDI courses you should review the medical questionnaire.. As a 5-star dive center we are passionate about teaching and improving skills, so if you have enough time during your vacation then instead of just completing the deep dive, you might want to consider completing the full SDI Advanced Adventure course. This is a great course with a good balance between theory and practical exercises. The course really does not detract from the enjoyment of your dives and you will leave with a new level of skill, confidence and certification.

We know there is a problem witht he medical questionnaire. We are actively working to fix it. For now, you can check eligibility by visiting

Medical Questionnaire

These are the core medical questions associated with PADI Discover Scuba Diving. If you need to answer YES to any of these questions you would need medical sign-off from a doctor.

This is only a quick check to help you right now. Before booking any training you should check the full medical and liability statements associated with the course.

  • Do you currently have an ear infection?
  • Do you have a history of ear disease, hearing loss or problems with balance?
  • Do you have a history of ear or sinus surgery?
  • Are you currently suffering from a cold, congestion, sinusitis or bronchitis?
  • Do you have a history of respiratory problems, severe attacks of hayfever or allergies, or lung disease?
  • Have you had a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) or history of chest surgery?
  • Do you have active asthma or history of emphysema or tuberculosis?
  • Are you currently taking medication that carries a warning about any impairment of your physical or mental abilities?
  • Do you have behavioral health, mental or psychological problems or a nervous system disorder?
  • Are you or could you be pregnant?
  • Do you have a history of colostomy?
  • Do you have a history of heart disease or heart attack, heart surgery or blood vessel surgery?
  • Do you have a history of high blood pressure, angina, or take medication to control blood pressure?
  • Are you over 45 and have a family history of heart attack or stroke?
  • Do you have a history of bleeding or other blood disorders?
  • Do you have a history of diabetes?
  • Do you have a history of seizures, blackouts or fainting, convulsions or epilepsy or take medications to prevent them?
  • Do you have a history of back, arm or leg problems following an injury, fracture or surgery?
  • Do you have a history of fear of closed or open spaces or panic attacks (claustrophobia or agoraphobia)?

Small group = big fun

We proudly take our divers in small groups to provide the best service.

Small groups allow us to focus our time and attention on you to make sure you have the safest and most enjoyable experience possible.

Discover Scuba Diving / Open Water
Maxiumum 4 divers per Instructor

Playa del Carmen / Cozumel dives
Maximum 5 divers per Instructor

Maximum 4 divers per Instructor

We believe in quality

We consistently invest in new equipment and maintaining our equipment in excellent condition.

We are proud major-brand equipment we provide. Our standard equipment rental items are:

  • Regulator: Apeks ATA-40 (some with Suunto dive computers)
  • BCD: Zeagle Resort (with weight pockets)
  • Wetsuit: Cressi 2.5mm (ocean)
    or 5mm (cenotes)
  • Mask: 5 models available from Cressi, Beauchat, IST
  • Fins: Cressi branded, full-foot fins